Before attempting quizzes and assignments, please first watch the video clip. Sometimes, you may need to go over the video multiple times to understand all details. The courses are designed in a specific order. We recommended you follow it in that order.
At the end of the course, a certificate will automatically be generated. Good luck and enjoy your course!
In this section of the course we will go over the most important excel basics. And though some of them will feel pretty basic indeed, please bear with me, as thorough excel knowledge is essential for nearly all WFM-related activities
Excel can help you with a lot of WFM calculations.
One of the first things you should know, being interested in WFM, is that there is usually more than one way to do the math. In excel there is usually more than a dozen ways to do the math. It is all about keeping it simple and comprehensible. Sometimes using a formula is the answer, and sometimes it's better to use a function.
In this apprentice course we will try to make you familiar with the syntax of some of the functions that are used a lot by WFM specialists like: Sum, Average, Min, Max and Count.
When using Excel as one of your primary WFM tools, you will make your life, and that of your co-workers much easier when you use certain 'design' principles when building your spreadsheets. In this section we will discuss using cell references instead of fixed values, and how to design a proper table. In the Practitioner and Expert courses more is taught on designing WFM tools in excel.
By completing this quiz you can finish the course at once without completing the other course material if you think you have sufficient skills for this course.
The material that was discussed in this course is:If you complete this test with a sufficient grade, the course is completed and you can move on to the feedback section immediately.
If you score 60% or higher on the final quiz, you can claim your Certificate of Completion.
Before you move on to the next course, please give us feedback on this course!